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Cookies Policy

What is a cookie policy and what does it serve?

Cookies Policy are small blocks of data sent to your browser by a website you visit and stored on your device. Cookies make websites more efficient, optimize their services and provide information to website owners.

Which cookies Policy are used by and for what purpose?
Our website uses three types of cookies. Each has a specific function:

Surf or navigation cookies
These cookies help to make the website work properly and are used to gather information about visitors’ use of the website to create reports. They help us to improve the website. Anonymised information, the number of visitors to the website from where the visitors came to the website and which pages they visited are collected.

Statistical or Analytics cookies
These cookies use, for example, Google Analytics to compile statistical analyzes of the surfing behavior of users on the website with a computer or mobile applications, the number of pages visited or how often a page is clicked while navigating a website.

Third party cookies
These cookies are used by third parties. Their use does not usually imply the processing of personal data. They come from advertisements of other websites, such as advertising messages on the linked website, and can be used to register the use of the website for marketing purposes.

How can I block the cookies?
Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) are configured to allow all cookies by default, but also allow the management and blocking of cookies through the browser settings. Keep in mind, however, that disabling navigation or statistical cookies may affect the correct functioning or use of the website and / or the services provided.

To change the settings, please consult the help functions of your browser (Extras or Preferences) and follow the instructions.